Eyeshadow, Friday I'm in Love, MAC

MAC Trax Eyeshadow



It’s my favorite fucking eyeshadow color of all time, ladies and gentlemen….the hardest working shadow in HO BUSINESS……

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MAC TRAX!!! ($15)

Trax is a plummy-purple with a shifting gold shimmer to it. I’ve seen it described in other places online as a burgundy, but I really disagree with that.

It’s so beautiful as a light wash of color, or built up darker as an alternative to a traditional smoky eye colors. I wear it alone a lot, or with one of my gold shadows in the inner corner of my eyes, or lightly added over the top to intensify the gold in Trax. Natural, or dramatic, it really is a brilliant, versatile color.

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Doing makeup, I’ve used it on lots of different eye colors, and the result is always gorgeous. Purple is one of those colors that really makes a lot of other colors pop. Brown, green, blue, hazel…pretty much everyone looks good in purple and gold.

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Trax is part of the permanent line at MAC, so you can just go pick it up. The color works in so many different ways, on so many different people, it would be a great addition to nearly every makeup bag. It’s like, my easiest way to look like I really did something to my makeup when I haven’t. Sometimes I use an aubergine colored pencil to line my eyes, sometimes I don’t, blush, mascara, nude gloss, BAM! FACE! I’M READY TO GO OUT!

Buy MAC Trax HERE.

